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    Youth and Education
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Event Description

拯救校园废弃自行车 :除了步行、开车或乘坐公共汽车外,许多学生还会选择骑自行车上学。 然而,随着时间的推移,我们发现校园里有许多无人认领的自行车。 有些只是轻微颠簸,有些只是缺少小零件,但它们都堆满了灰尘和浪费的使用价值。 Dr.T启动了一项在校园收集和维修自行车的计划:这些自行车根据损坏程度标有蓝色、黄色和红色。 我们清洁和维修损坏较少的自行车,并将其捐赠给自闭症儿童中心的儿童。

15 ways in 15 weeks: 〝15 Ways in 15 Weeks”(15周,15种方式),在持续15周的时间里面每周围绕联合国推行的一个减少碳排放的主题举办一个活动,旨在鼓励个人通过微观行动来减少碳足迹。比如推行“素食周一”“咖啡渣蜡烛”“种植你的绿植”“二手衣物交换市场”等活动,吸引了商学院乃至全校师生4000+的参与,从个人小改变到宏观上大改变,为保护环境做出贡献。2022年1月21日,西浦国际商学院获由英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)和商学院毕业生协会(BGA)颁发的 “最佳企业社会责任和可持续发展倡议”奖。据悉,西浦是入围可持续发展倡议奖类别中唯一的一所中国大学;此外,我们的提案获2023年举办的第13届全球RCE峰会“RCE Recognition Award”。

Host Information
  • Organization Name
    Ms. Gong Wenzhu, the Youth Project Executive of Green Light-Year
  • About
    Wenzhu GONG, currently is the Youth Project Specialist of Shanghai Green Light-Year, and the Secretary of RCE Suzhou (the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development that acknowledged by United Nations University). It is with a deep passion that she started to promote the sustainable food transition on an educational level since 2021. It was then that she met Green Light-Year, a non-profit organization focused on advancing Education for Sustainability Development (ESD), which provided her with a positive opportunity. She is committed to promoting sustainable food education in RCE Suzhou, especially through the promotion of insect protein feeds for citizens to understand and benefit from sustainable lifestyles.
  • Contact email
Event Time Information
  • Event Local Time
    11/21/2023 20:00 - 11/30/2023 20:30
  • Event Time Zone
    UTC +8
Event Local Time
  • 11/21/2023 20:00 - 11/30/2023 20:30 Ended