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    Youth and Education
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Event Description

Eco Wire由绿色光年主办,我们是一家专注于可持续发展教育的社会组织。
Eco Wire将会是一系列长期开展的线上分享活动,迄今已举办了44期。我们每月将邀请1-2位在发展学或国际发展领域(Development Studies or International Development)有独到见解或独特经历的嘉宾来分享自己的求学或工作经历。他们来自全世界各地,有着特别多样化的背景和成长历程。我们希望帮助有兴趣进入可持续发展领域(Sustainable Development)工作的朋友找到适合自己的职业发展路径(甚至是人生路),以及帮助对可持续发展感兴趣的朋友了解更多该领域的相关信息。

本期分享嘉宾是伊万-斯帕索耶维奇 博士:伊万-斯帕索耶维奇(Ivan Spasojevió)博士是塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学多学科研究所的生物物理学家、研究教授和多学科研究小组的首席研究员。他的主攻研究方向是微藻生理学及其生物技术应用,致力于结合卓越的科学成果与创新应用技术。同时,他是80多篇科研论文的作者,并正主持开展包括Liquid 3在内的多个科研项目。

Host Information
  • Organization Name
    Ms. Nihuan, the Founding Director of Green Light-Year
  • About
    About the host: Ms. Huan Ni received her M.Phil in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge from 2004-05 with UK Government’s Chevening Scholarship. She founded GLY in March 2016 and she has been the Director of ESG Development Center at Shanghai Pudong New Energy Association (SPNEA). She is also a Board Member of the Finance Branch of Shanghai Overseas Scholar Association. Huan has been a China Member of the CEC Committee of International Union of Conservation Network (IUCN). Huan has 18 years of experience in working with international projects and international organizations such as DFID, UNDP, IFC, FCO, UNEP and WWF. She has been invited as an expert in low carbon communities by Shanghai Municipal Government. She has proven expertise to formulate, manage and deliver thematic projects on sustainable development, microfinance, poverty alleviation, corporate social responsibility (CSR), public-private partnership, SME Development, green financing in China, environmental protection, ecosystem services and climate policies. Huan had been working on the PwC London-managed Sino-UK State Owned Enterprise Restructuring and Enterprise Development (SOERED) Programme funded by DFID from 2000-04 before she went to Cambridge University to pursue her Master Degree in Development Studies. Her work in this Sino-UK programme was mainly on building an enabling business environment for SME development and SME financing in Sichuan Province and in Liaoning Province while trying to mainstream CSR to local SMEs. Her M.Phil Degree Dissertation in the University of Cambridge was the study about the SME development in Western China versus to developed coastal areas and the rest of the world. In 2016, she founded a native environmental NGO called Shanghai Green Light-Year Environmental Service Center promoting sustainable lifestyles in urban and rural communities in China. Her new experience enabled her to get to know many start-ups and environmental SMEs working in sustainability. Her NGO work has earned her the “Social Impact Award” under “2017 Study UK Alumni Award” by British Council. Huan and her NGO have been reported by more than 13 international media from 7 countries and dozens of mainstream domestic media. Huan’s home is called a mini environmental technology museum as she has installed Mainland China’s first CIGS thin film solar plant. She is the first home user of outdoor aquaponics system to grow vegetables, the vertical farm user to use her kitchen waste to make organic fertilizer to have zero emission of her wet rubbish. She also use hybrid and EV two-mode car and use dripping irrigation system for her little farm. Her home has received more than 6000 visitors from around the world since 2015 and she has trained 21 kids as her “little volunteer explainers” from her own community. Huan Ni’s Awards 2017 Study UK Alumni Award—Social Impact Award Recipient, by British Council China, Nov 2017 One Corporate Award by IFC Headquarters and one Spot Award by IFC East Asia and the Pacific Department, Jun. 2008 for developing outstanding case studies and corporate internal and external communications products Full Scholarship, Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarship ( jointly provided by Shell and the UK Government (, Jul. 2004 Full Scholarship, The World Bank Graduate Scholarship Programme (JJ/WBGSP) for the same programme in the University of Cambridge (had to decline due to exclusion terms), Jul. 2004 “Recognition of Contribution and Achievement” by Sichuan Provincial Project Management Office of British Aided Project and PwC UK Consortium, Nov. 2003 Excellent Graduate Student of Sichuan Province (1999); Annual scholarship (1996); 5 semester scholarships About the Green Light Year: Green Light-Year (GLY), known as a Chinese native NGO dedicated to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), is a private non-enterprise public welfare organization officially registered in Shanghai Minhang District Civil Affairs Bureau in March 2016. In the past six years since its inception, GLY has been exploring the promotion and practicing of ESD concepts at three levels: cognition, social emotion and behavior change. We target Chinese teenagers and youth, and engage them to better understand and implement the Sustainable Development Goals by promoting green lifestyles and sustainable consumption. Within these 17 criteria, we focus on cultivating eight core qualities for young people to meet challenges in the 21st century. Our mission is to make the public enjoy practicing SDGs and to become China’s leading ESD organization.
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Event Time Information
  • Event Local Time
    11/20/2023 20:00 - 21:00
  • Event Time Zone
    UTC +8
Event Local Time