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Global Youth Climate Week Official Website Launched: Join the Week and Shape a Sustainable Future

The eagerly awaited Global Youth Climate Week, taking place from November 20 to November 24, is on the horizon. One week ahead of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, the Week provides a platform for youth climate action on a global scale.

We are delighted to announce the official launch of the Global Youth Climate Week website (event registration is now live, stay tuned for upcoming event displays and interactive features). This marks the beginning of the Climate Week’s warm-up activities. Visit now and submit your event information!

Global Partners Join Forces to Support the Birth of Climate Week

Youth serve as the driving force behind a carbon-neutral future. In January 2022, the Global Alliance of Universities on Climate (GAUC) Secretariat formally proposed to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the establishment of an annual “Global Youth Climate Week” in the week leading up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference. Ms. Espinosa, the former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, praised the proposal of the Week as “an impactful contribution to the UNFCCC process, by mobilizing and institutionalizing the efforts”. As a fixed mechanism for global youth to contribute to the success of the annual COP, Global Youth Climate Week will aim to lift young people onto the historical stage of global governance and take over the baton of achieving carbon neutrality as soon as possible.

In 2022, more than 100 organizations around the world responded to GAUC’s call to co-sponsor the first Global Youth Climate Week and curated a series of colorful activities. These partners include United Nations affiliates, educational institutions, organizations, and businesses. At the same time, many primary and secondary schools also participated in Climate Week, demonstrating the new generation’s strong concern for climate change.

GAUC has also incorporated Global Youth Climate Week as a cornerstone of its ‘Climate x’ campaign at the global level. The ‘Climate x’ Campaign underscores the intrinsic link between climate change (SDG13) and the other 16 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving carbon neutrality necessitates transcending disciplinary boundaries while paying homage to nature and exploring innovative solutions from a collaborative governance perspective.

Upgrades: A New and Expanded Focus on Youth Engagement

The upcoming Global Youth Climate Week will build upon the triumph of its predecessor by offering young people a larger and more inclusive platform for young individuals to take action against climate change, share groundbreaking solutions, and champion climate initiatives. With the launch of the official Global Youth Climate Week website, it’s now easier than ever for youth and organizations passionate about climate change to collaborate, communicate, and co-create on a unified platform.

Simultaneously, to broaden youth engagement throughout the Week, GAUC has aligned the Week with the ‘Climate x’ Leadership Training Program. Nearly 1,000 students enrolled in the training program will lead a myriad of dynamic activities during the Week. The current training program boasts participation from almost a thousand students representing 74 countries and 392 universities and research institutions, with a substantial 88% hailing from Global South countries. The flagship project of Global Youth Climate Week, the Global Youth Summit on Net-Zero Future, will take place on the first day of the Week (November 20th) and will be organized by students from the training program.

Join Us in Creating a Net-Zero Future Together

As the Global Youth Climate Week official website goes live, we warmly invite all interested parties to join the Week, uniting to contribute to climate change solutions and nurture youth climate resilience.

Stay updated with relevant information on Global Youth Climate Week. We will promptly share the latest news and collaboration opportunities. GAUC will showcase and share the exciting moments and achievements of the Week in Dubai during the 28th United Nations Climate Conference in December, allowing the world to witness the actions of carbon-neutral youth leaders as well as the attention and support to youth from society.

Reporter: JIA Longzhizi