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Event Information
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Event Description

This event contacted the manager of VC in the Greater Bay Area and invited the Portuguese speaking country we were in contact with to gather with environmental technology startups in the Greater Bay Area for a business activity link pairing. The event strengthened our understanding of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations and deepened our consensus on the theme of environmental protection.

Host Information
  • Organization Name
    929 Challenge
  • About
    929 Challenge is a startup competition focused on building bridges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, through sustainability-oriented business.9 for 9 cities in GBA,2 for two Special Administrative Regions,9 for 9 Portuguese Speaking Countries. We actively respond The UN Sustainable Development GOALs. The 929 competition is a two-week intensive program that will turn fresh ideas into high-potential business through a set of bootcamps. Teams will define, validate and develop a sustainable business model under the Lean Startup methodology.The bootcamp program will be delivered online and provide a dynamic environment, networking opportunities, and knowledge work flow. The bootcamp includes talks and mentoring sessions designed to support the different stages of your business idea.
  • Contact email
Event Time Information
  • Event Local Time
    11/25/2023 00:00 - 00:00
  • Event Time Zone
    UTC +8
Event Local Time